The Winter Show · 2024

For The Winter Show 2024, Guillaume Léage and Carolle Thibaut-Pomerantz are teaming up for an original aesthetic and historical collaboration.

Alongside 18th-century furniture and objets d’art, the wallpapers sketch a fascinating history of the art of French décor, as heralds of incomparable skill and virtuosity, true testaments to the excellence of the Age of Enlightenment.

Following the success of their Paris exhibition Chics d’intérieur, Guillaume Léage and Carolle Thibaut-Pomerantz are exporting their collaboration, period wallpapers and 18th-century furniture, to New York for a new artistic encounter that celebrates the excellence of the French decorative arts.

French wallpapers have played an important role in the history of architecture and interior design, and this stand highlights their dialogue with 18th-century furniture.

Jean-Baptiste Réveillon’s neoclassical decorations and early 19th-century panoramics echo the creations of cabinet-makers Louis Delanois (1731−1792), Georges Jacob (1739−1814) and Claude-Charles Saunier (1735−1807), among others.

These combinations reveal unique virtuosity and expertise, reflecting the golden age of French decorative arts.

Dates :
19 January 2024
28 January 2024
Lieu :
Park Avenue Armory, New York Stand, E6